

From another perspective, the world's most beautiful scenery

1. the United Kingdom, London, London Eye

London Eye River Thames, 443 feet high, is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, is the world's tallest cantilevered observation wheel. Ferris wheel has 32 air-conditioned passenger seat, the entire process takes about 30 minutes.

2. Austria, Vienna, Panorama Tower (Bahnorama Tower)

Panorama Tower is the highest in Europe on foot wooden tower, temporarily allow visitors to watch the train station is under construction. 219 feet, you can see the scenery of the city, all-glass elevator will take you to within 40 seconds top.

3. Austria, Moore River, viewing tower

The spiral staircase by two polygons can reach the 90-foot observation tower in the tower overlooking the Moore River. It is designed by the Loenart and Mayr, observation tower has a black steel mask, and some cables and rods to ensure the safety of observation tower.

4. Netherlands, Borden, Forest Hill Tower (Bostoren Tower)

Post Renta mimic forest colors - brown and green, some spiral stairs and cantilevered platforms. Top of the tower is a television room, where you can overlook the town of the Netherlands - Bourdon.
5. The Netherlands and Germany, four spectacular viewing tower

These images are collected Utrecht architect Klaas Vermaas, and there are well-known Dutch and German observation tower. The observation tower located in the Netherlands, Utrecht, Breda and Germany and India field.

6. Germany, Munich, Tower

954.72 ft high tower in Munich, known as the "Olympic Tower. " The tower addition to the role of radio and television, there is a spiral which can accommodate 230 people dining. Need to run the whole 53 minutes.
7. Finland, Helsinki, Korkeasaari Island observation tower (Korkeasaari Island Lookout Tower)

科基亚萨利 Island tower at the edge of a cliff Korkeasaari Island, formed by the layering of wood, inspired by nature. Through more than 600 joints as a single entity, overlooking the nearby natural environment, overlooking Helsinki.

8. Norway, the wizard tower (Trollstigen Overlook)

The observation tower overlooking the Geiranger Fjord, Toro Hills is the first root part of the National Tourism Line. As the winter can not go, here only in summer.
9. Switzerland, landscape angle (Landscape Promontory)

Angle iron landscape of Switzerland has a platform that looks like a carnival Ferris wheel will not move. Lookout Mountain from the Swiss People out to Karl, very spectacular.

10. Italy, Leaning Tower of Pisa

After a decade of strengthening the renovation of closed, open to visitors again Leaning Tower of Pisa. Tower 183 feet, began construction in 1173. But the first is not used as a lookout.

