

Madurodam Netherlands, the world's smallest city

Madurodam Lilliput (Madurodam) in The Hague, the western, from the famous Scheveningen beach coast (Scheveningen) close, in fact, is a theme park. Fun, in 1972, is Madurodam "Dutch League of Cities, " accepted as full members, so this area is only 1.8 square kilometers of miniature "city " to become the world's smallest city.
The famous bridge in Amsterdam
In the Netherlands there are many creative landscape, one representative called Madurodam, and, where the ratio of 25:1, brought together almost all the well-known Dutch domestic famous buildings and monuments, not that clean sweep, you can also eighty-nine Separated from ten of the.
Netherlands "four treasures " - tulips, cheese, wooden shoes and windmills

Lilliput was built in 1952, is a couple to commemorate their sacrifice in World War II and funded the construction of the son. As a city, everything here is decent, ultra. For example, the villain of state emblem of their city, the mayor held by the Queen of the Netherlands today, City Council composed of students from the Hague.
Walked from the gate next to me exclaimed the children have begun, and indeed, appeared in front of the crowded churches, squares, castles, palaces, canals, bridges, ports, airports, markets, and highways, railways, Parks, urban train, windmill, soccer, etc., are exactly the same in kind, was in such a high-density mode displayed, could not help but stunning.

In this the world's smallest city, everyone is a giant. Even if only a child just learning to walk, when he stood next to those miniature buildings, the figure all seem so big, this imbalance has brought wonderful visual experience, it is a great visit Madurodam fun.
Has a mayor and council
"Madurodam" the layout of the city entirely by city planning, a real mayor - Queen of the Netherlands Biya Green Acres, there are 30 students from the Hague-member city council.

"Madurodam"is a dynamic and vitality of the city, walk around here like all over the Netherlands more than 40,000 square kilometers of land, although only the more than 1 hour, but it seems that the Netherlands has experienced nearly a thousand years of history. In addition to vivid static building, where just like a real city in the running: the slowly turning windmill, boats in the canal in the shuttle; Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is preparing to take off on a jet; the Port of Rotterdam ton ships being unloaded ; Ben driving on the highway with a variety of automotive church, pair of newlyweds and guests with the music in the slow movement; stadium being tight game ... ... length of 4.5 km of railways, modern trains along the The world's largest mini-rail system across the city. It is worth mentioning that, Lilliput where the trees are alive, by repeated pruning, "Lilliput" gardeners are often as high as 15 meters into the trees maintained at 60 cm height.
Some of the kids surrounded the place, it must be the most popular chocolate factory Madurodam. Plant in front of a blue box, as long as the input-euro plant will be immediately to work. Soon, with the sound of crisp look, a black pickup truck from the port shipped out, the bucket of chocolate filled with a piece of Mars Bars. Change to the chocolate being happy, smiling children. Some children also curious, into the factory, lying on the floor, while the shipments inside the door open, looking, want to know how chocolate is produced.

The Hague suburb, has an area of ​​only 1.8 million square kilometers of tiny "city", thousands of "residents"are an inch high "villain", this is the famous Madurodam Lilliput (Madurodam .) Lilliput was built in 1952, Madura couples in World War II to commemorate the sacrifice of their sons and funded the construction, and as a gift dedicated to children in the Netherlands. City, state emblem of his villains, the mayor from the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands as of today, the City Council members by the Hague The Hague, 30 students composed. 1972, was "the Dutch League of Cities, " accepted as full member, to become the world's smallest city. 25:1 ratio of the city brought together to narrow the Netherlands more than 120 prestigious domestic buildings and monuments.
Lilliput was built in 1952, Madura couples in memory of their sacrifice in World War II, funded the construction of the Son, and as a gift dedicated to children in the Netherlands. City, state emblem of his villains, the mayor from the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands as of today, the City Council members by the Hague The Hague, 30 students composed. 1972, was "the Dutch League of Cities, " accepted as full member, to become the world's smallest city. 25:1 ratio of the city brought together to narrow the Netherlands more than 120 prestigious domestic buildings and monuments.

Madurodam many dynamic things such as cars, boats, trams, amusement park carousels, windmills, dolls, etc., and even adults can not help but fascinating read. One of the most impressive is the ship on fire scenes. Moved into a large cargo ship in Hong Kong to suddenly filled with smoke, people are panicked, when Fire Fighting has Jishi from the water spray fierce dragon, so the relaxed conversation Huifei fire is out. The Queen talked about earlier golden carriage ride Hough tender scenes of your visit to Philippines is also reduced to the original 1 / 25 and reproduced. After dark, the light little things like the illusion of Lilliput.

