

Guangxi Beihai slow life a new landmark

A suitable place to live, there must be a common characteristic: Slow. Metropolitan pace of life too fast, we need to find a place to slow down, so that the soul can catch up with our body. In the North Sea, Weizhou Island in the sun, every detail is a trace of such a belated rhythm, whether walking the streets of the town or the beach on the island, our eyes see, ears to listen to to, are gentle atmosphere. Even the hawkers crying, and unhurried. Life should not be too anxious, we have enough time to intimacy with the waves, dancing with the wind, and wander gently street, as long as a suitable place, God has given us enough, do not fight for busy, this place is called North Sea, located in the southernmost tip of Guangxi Beibu Gulf northeastern coast, is a beautiful city with subtropical coastal scenery.
1, North Street
Zhuhai Road, adjacent to the North overseas Milton, is a centuries old streets, was built in 1883, 1.44 km long and 9 meters wide, along the street across the UK, France, Germany Consulate General of the former site, the former site of German sunpoo Matheson and the Catholic Church Female Seminary site of many Chinese and Western arcade-style buildings, witnessed the prosperity of the North Sea, known as the fresh modern architecture Yearbook. Street buildings are mostly two to three, mainly due to the construction of the Consulate of the late 19th century England, France, Germany and other countries in the North Sea and other Western volume column building. Street wall on both sides of the window at the most arch structure for volume, volume arch outer edge and the top of the window pillar has a carving line, smooth lines and exquisite craft. A different style of decoration and relief of the street wall, forming a north-south two sets of air sculpture gallery. Street arcade part of these buildings, both the road on both sides of the expansion, is paved for the external extension of people walking under the arcade, can shelter, but also to avoid the hot sun; the square pillars of the arcade heavy Heavy, quite the style of Roman architecture.
Transportation: located in the city downtown to go within walking distance, if the ride, 1-6 Road can be reached. (Hint: to catch a ride to the northern North Sea Beach Plaza, go to the Sichuan Road, the north, less than about 1000 m road to the road has a slope under slope is in the mountain and then laid down twenty or thirty m is the Zhuhai Road.)
Admission: open, free
Tip: arcade in the south, but as the North Sea to save so rarely. Beihai City has initiated the restoration project, Zhuhai Street will be restored to Lingnan's largest arcade street.
2, the world is the first beach
Beihai Silver Beach in 1992 as a national tourist resort as one of the 35 ace attractions, enjoy the reputation of "Number One Beach". Her something to stretch for 24 kilometers long flat beach, fine white sand, the water temperature the net, soft waves, sharks, pollution-free characteristics amazing world. The air here is fresh and clean, the negative oxygen ions is 50-100 times the inland cities, the average annual temperature of 22.6 degrees Celsius, rehabilitation recuperating environment. Beihai Silver Beach Park in accordance with its own travel characteristics and travel advantages, the introduction of the many unique tourism project: a large bathing beach, exciting motorized boats at sea, to teach will be the safety kart, motorcycle, stirring beach soccer, romantic joy exotic ethnic style song and dance ...
Play points: swimming pool in the Silver Beach Park Beach Park, Beach Park on weekend evenings, musical fountain "tide" water curtain movie, and fireworks.
Transportation: 15 minutes from the city to fight to reach the Silver Beach, and costs about 15 yuan, you can bargain, can also take a 3-way bus (2 yuan / person) to reach the terminal is the Silver Beach. Silver Beach in Beihai Park, sightseeing, car batteries, can sea 10 yuan / person.
Scenic Fee: 10 yuan / month, deposit box to dilute the 10 yuan / person (many people recommend hour room can be opened in the nearby residential premises for about 40 yuan to dilute and custody), rent tables and chairs for 30-50 yuan 10 yuan, swimming laps, charge cushion of 20 yuan, powerboat surfing 5-8 yuan / minute.
Admission: Free to eat: Silver Beach road near the edge of a row of twenty or thirty consecutive seafood restaurants are free to choose.
3, the underwater world
The North Sea World is located in the North Sea, the Waterfront Park, is a showcase of marine life mainly ornamental, tourism, youth science education as one of the large aquarium divided into A, B, the two areas. There are over 2800 rare manatee (mermaids), whale bones, lobster specimens, the Millennium sea turtle specimens and exotic subtropical fish and other exhibits and nearly a thousand species of marine life; aquarium, sea turtle pool, a seal pool, a 360-degree all-round perspective of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, diving performances, feed the fish performances and sharks performances and other exciting programs, dizzying.
Zone A is the original North Sea Fisheries Museum, the museum has 20 years of history, side by side with the Aquarium and the first for China, the largest aquarium. Zone A display area for the freshwater fish, there is the horseshoe crab pool, coral Gallery, East Gallery viewing area, tropical fish viewing area, sea turtles pool, koi, Gallery viewing area, viewing area of ​​the West Gallery, crocodile pool, Marine Mammals specimens Hall such as the exhibition hall.
Area B for marine biota, and the Southwest region's largest submarine tourist attraction. There are a total height of more than three-story giant-shaped fish pond, heavy equipment, diving equipment divers deep diving performances, as well as dozens of thousands of coral reef fish contention color bucket brilliant, colorful and eye-catching; the most exciting staged human sharks of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, submarine sunken India and Empire, the ancient city, the porcelain of the ancient Maritime Silk Road, World War II shipwrecks, from the Pacific and Indian Ocean more than three hundred kinds of fish, etc.; In addition, the Area B Polar Museum, marine animals, arena, auditorium, shopping malls and other ancillary services.
Transportation: Urban can take 3,9 bus arrived, multiply the Mount 2-5
Admission: Adults (including the height of 1.3 meters or more children) 80 yuan / person, children (height 1 m and -1.3 m) 45 yuan / person, the military, the disabled, the elderly aged over 70 (certificate) 45 yuan / person, less than 1 m children free of charge.
Opening hours 8:00 - 18:00
4, marine window
North Sea Ocean window using sound, light, electricity and High-Tech to show the ocean, with the international advanced health technologies, and taste of the high seas and cultural connotation of transparent acrylic glass to build a giant deep-sea circular cylinder and a stunning four cylinder body tunnel and many other national initiative. This is a financial health, culture, high-tech, art, and science education as one of the large-scale integrated marine Expo.
North Sea Ocean window features: the mysterious sea, the ancient oceans, time tunnel, the angle of the Coral Sea, the Sea, Dream marine, marine resources, the Office of Maritime Silk Road, Zheng He's voyages, geographical discovery, Ocean Theatre, coastal landscape, ecological zones of the mangroves, shellfish culture, pearl culture, 4D Motion Theater 16th CPC National Congress theme. Is an art and technology, combining the way of combining science and entertainment to showcase the modern marine culture Expo
Transportation: 1) the distance of about 3 km of the North Sea north of downtown Bay Plaza, the city can take 3,5 bus to reach; 2) the center of the North Sea, take a taxi to the window of the sea about 6 to 8; 3) Take the Mount to 2 to 3 yuan.
Tickets: 118 yuan. Dynamic 4D theater ticket: $ 25.
5, the crown head Ridge National Forest Park
Crown head Ridge National Forest Park in the North Sea urban southwest, away from the city 8 km, lying on the sea like a Dragon. Wan extension of ups and downs due to sloping ridge, shaped like a hole crown, hence the name. Crown Head Ridge Hatch Ridge show and the rich cultural heritage and famous, is one of the eight major tourist attractions in the North Sea.
Transportation: take the 6 bus in the northern part of Bay Plaza directly to crown the first ridge, the latest departure is 18:00 pm, the place is not a taxi, have to walk about two kilometers to the south pier that can be marked private car to Square, about $ 15-20.
Tickets: $ 20

Sanya vacation comfortable life, such as fairy

In fact, the best season of May is not Sanya, the weather has been hot, but If there is no time for the April to go, do not want to wait until the hot go, such as less than the winter, then, Sanya was a good choice. Needless to Dongbenxizou find a quiet place to stay. Or the tablets mood Beach, is a romantic town, do not go to the attractions, do only the things they want. Pure relaxation and leisure must be the attitude of many people want to vacation.

Walk on the beach deck chair sun

Sanya, is where do not go every day to stay at the beach, will not lose. Swimming, walking, sun on the couch - comfortable. See the hammock to play it very good. If you like walking, is recommended along the beach of Yalong Bay, Yalong Bay Central Square walk to the Sheraton Hotel, back, through the Marriott Hotel, go along. Few people here share of quiet and Italian-ya, like walking in the home garden.

Centipede continents play in the water

The Wuzhizhou the water project is complete. Diving, shore diving and boat diving, former coach will give everyone professor of theoretical knowledge of the diving submersible. Not swim does not matter, diving time, are lifting coach through the device to control. The banana boat is three lines, needs to wear a swimsuit or wet, would you flung the sea, but the security, someone to save your back the feeling of "Titanic".

The Cabriolet pull wind car

Sanya is probably the most suitable city to open convertible, rent a car, a ride to Sanya, a famous coastal Avenue Coconut Dream Corridor to go. Along the Avenue, traveling from south to north, along the way to listen to the sound of waves lapping the shore, the fresh sea breeze, the venue for King to enjoy the sea view, is very comfortable. Avenue has been through to Sanya Bay, from start to finish takes about 30 minutes along the way and some seafood stalls, resorts, tired, you can get something to eat and enjoy.

Early summer, go to the Lanzhou summer at the mountains clean

Summer, when planning a summer vacation. If you only get together the islands, mountains, may wish to go to the Northwest this year, perhaps in Lanzhou, Gansu can make it through a dry, cool summer holidays.

Southerners impression, Lanzhou is usually the scene of the "Smoke in the desert straight down the long river yen seems to ride with the summer increase. In fact, Lanzhou average summer temperature is only 26 degrees Celsius, is the top ten summer tourist city. The Yellow River flows through Lanzhou city center, this Western city moisture verdant green.

Tour mountain hide quiet

Uphill into the forest to enjoy the cool, most people like summer. Lanzhou is located in the Yellow River valley, near the hills in summer showing a green. First arrived in Lanzhou, would like to enjoy the most exciting mountain, you can go Yongdeng County of Turpan ditch national forest park, the scenery here is like an oil painting, make you a worthwhile trip.

Into the spit Lu groove, will be 11 before the spit Lu ditch, a small spit Lu ditch two forest scenic area, after the village of Sancha and ditch palm steppe region, the Western Region of the characteristics of landforms can first preview here. Turpan ditch the black mountain formation of towering peaks, on both sides of the peaks and trees flourish, green, orange and red leaves, less than autumn also can see the storied dye beauty.

Into Sancha village, left and right sides into the big spit Lu ditch, and tolu ditch. Left side of the Turpan trenches, ridges and peaks Yashi different styles, and then forward to is the charming resort of ditch palm grassland, pasture, cattle and sheep, streams, bridges, stockade and other views will be presented one by one.


How to Make Airport Parking Easy

The majority of airports offer a variety of options when it comes to parking. Generally there are hourly, economy, and even daily rates. There are even options that are much more convenient but considerably more costly options, such as valet parking. The first tip when it comes to saving money on airport parking is calling ahead or checking the website of your airport to make sure you know the rates for parking and the exact location of either the garage or parking service you intend to use.

Another important tip is to make sure that you keep your parking ticket. Some airports charge for losing your ticket. Your ticket can be useful in helping you remember where you have parked as well. Some individuals find that it is easier to leave your parking ticket in the car that is being parked to avoid losing the ticket. In this case it is very important to write down where you have parked in a cell phone or PDA in order to make sure that you do not get lost.

A big help during the holidays is planning for delays. Keep in mind that during the holidays many people are departing from the same location. This means there will be less and less parking space available. The holidays mean more traffic all over the roadways and especially in the airport and the airport parking garages. Planning for parking in the farthest away space is a good way to make sure you are not at risk of missing your flight. The holidays are also one of the most prominent times of the year for weather delays, so be sure to keep this in mind when planning for your holiday departure.

Staying informed is one of the best ways to save time, money, and prevent frustrations when traveling. Knowing which airports have shuttle services is an important piece of information to consider. This information is often found online, but can even be found by phoning the ticketing desk prior to your departure. From the ticketing desk you can also get information on what an expected wait time might be. Make sure that you are calling the local ticketing office and not a general information line to get specific information relevant to your holiday plans. Make sure to have pertinent information such as your flight number and travel time and date handy in case the airport asks for this information.

Airport parking voucher codes can be another way to make your trip easier. This is a great way to save money and know exactly what to expect from airport parking. If you follow all these tips and stay on top of things you can prevent a lot of frustration when traveling on holidays.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6636057

When Is the Best Time to Book an International Flight?

Europe is an amazing continent, in other words it's a land of dreams blended with rich history and heritage. Art, architecture, culture, adventure and attractions in the continent make it the ideal destination for a tourist visit with fun and entertainment. Be it the valleys of Switzerland, romancing in the streets of Paris, cultural legacy of Rome or attractions of the capital city London, everything in the continent is unique.

When you think of flying to Europe by air, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Madrid, Paris, Milan and London are the major international hubs that you can possibly fly to reach any destination in Europe. So, the first thing you need to decide is which country in Europe and which destination exactly you want to fly. You can check out direct flights as well as intermediate flights to analyze which could offer you the best travel. If you fly to different cities, you would have a different experience and chance to visit new destinations while saving some pounds on your air ticket fares.

You need to consider the month of travel, day of travel, time and purpose. During the summer, flights fares are higher compared to flights in the winter. April, May, June, September and October are the peak seasons when the air fares are expensive. If you wish to travel during this season on a business or leisure trip, you need to make arrangements in advance. The season is quite normal from November to February except the Christmas and New Year Weak. When it comes to particular days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be the days that flight fares are cheaper compared to all other days in the week.

When planning a trip, you need to have a complete itinerary of your visit to Europe. You need to have answers to where exactly you are going to fly, how many of you are going to fly, if there are concessions available for your age group if you are a school student or if you are member of any community or program, if there are any discounts for group tickets, are there are attractive prices based on the weather conditions and much more.

With a number of travel websites and quotes comparison services available online, you can compare the fares in different flights. Considering all these, it is good if you plan your travel and this will help you get the best deal on cheap flights to Europe. Europe has got lots and lots to offer tourist from all over the world. It is home to the majority of world's best cities with rich culture and life. Destinations like Paris, London, Vienna, Rome, Switzerland and Amsterdam would be dream destinations for any traveller. Travel to Europe and enjoy breathtaking moments!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6570005

Tips On How To Find Cheap Flights To International Airports

Reserving tickets in international flights is an expensive task. Further, if you're planning to fly between the major airports of different countries, this process becomes all the more costly. However, you can still get air tickets at reasonable prices if you do some research. If you're already confused about how to find cheap flights connecting the international airports, please go through the following paragraphs.

This article deals with information on how to find cheap flights.

One way international flights are often costlier. So, if you're flying between two major air terminals, it is advisable that you go for round trip tickets. For this, you need to plan your traveling schedule accordingly.

Be flexible when it comes to acquiring information. Check out all possible resources that offer you information on how to find cheap flights, whether it is a travel agent, a tourism company, a travel guide or your local tourism office.

Be extra careful while purchasing air tickets. You can purchase your tickets from airline consolidators. Such people purchase tickets in bulk. Thereafter, they provide your desired seat, at a reduced price. In case you're booking a last-minute flight, reaching these consolidators is the best option for you.

I'm sure you must be familiar with the auction websites and forums. Several travel agencies run auction websites that let you bid on airline tickets. If you've plenty of time in hand, you can try your luck here. Once you bid on a ticket, the agents will either accept or deny your offer. They may give you some valuable advices regarding this and might help you also. If you're getting the tickets at reasonable prices, it is well in good else, check out other options.

You can also purchase tickets from online forums. Many businessmen auction their tickets at online forums if they have to delay or cancel their trip due to some reason. You can readily get tickets from these forums.

Apart from these, call centers are excellent sources of instant information. The customer care executives appointed in these call centers offer you tips on how to find cheap flights.

Your last option is consulting your friends, family and business associates. Seek advice from a person who is a frequent traveler. He might give you a valuable advice regarding this matter.

Now I'm sure that you know how to find cheap flights. Simply keep these tips in mind while booking your tickets.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6645772


Eight Smart Travel Tips to Save Money and Fly Safer

Whether you're a frequent flyer or sometimes traveler, these useful travel tips will help you save money on flights, hotels and rental cars and travel more safely on the road or in the air. 

  1. Booking hotels for the weekend is all business. Hotels that cater to vacationers generally raise rates on weekends, while hotels designed for business travelers tend to lower their weekend rates. By booking where business travelers stay, you may be able to save a good chunk of change, especially in the larger cities.

  2. Sign up for flight status notifications. To know if your flight is delayed or on time before you get to the airport, go to FlightStats.com or TripIt.com and sign up to receive email and/or text notices.

  3. Know the skinny on your seat. Seatguru.com is a site that provides information and ratings on various airlines' in-flight amenities and seating, such as legroom, so you can make an informed decision about the seat you choose. Tip: JetBlue earned above average for seat comfort in a Consumer reports survey.

  4. How to cut corners on a rental car. Rental car rates are going up. To save money, look on Autoslash.com for coupons and discounts and rent from an off-airport location. Also, beware of additional offers from the rental car company - you may already have accident insurance through your own car insurance or credit card. And you may want to pass on the prepaid gas offer - you'll likely overpay, especially if you return the car with gas left in the tank.

  5. Know the safety rating of your rental car. Vehicles vary in their head-on collision and side, rear and rollover impact ratings. Find out the safety rating of the car you'll be driving at sites such as safercar.gov or IIHS.org/ratings.

  6. Take advantage of free apps. Go to gateguruapp.com for an app that gives you a heads up about a given airport's food, shopping and service options. The Flysmart and goHow apps give information on airport restaurants, shops, ATMs, restrooms and other amenities inside each airport as well as arrival and departure times.

  7. Get e-mail alerts for sales and specials. Follow your favorite airline on Twitter for special rates and deals and sign up for e-mail alerts at Orbitz.com, SmarterTravel.com and TripAdvisor.com. Also, the best time to book is Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST since most airline sales campaigns start late Monday night.

  8. Other helpful travel sites: Inside-Trip.com rates airline "TripQuality" based on 12 factors, including leg room, aircraft age and on-time performance. Gogobot.com offers trip advice from real people on Facebook and Twitter. Tripit.com turns your hotel, flight and other travel confirmation emails into mobile itineraries for your phone or PDS. Jetsetter.com is a beautiful site that offers its members deep discounts on exotic vacations. Room77.com ranks hotel rooms on various criteria such as price and room view.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6627183