

Sanya vacation comfortable life, such as fairy

In fact, the best season of May is not Sanya, the weather has been hot, but If there is no time for the April to go, do not want to wait until the hot go, such as less than the winter, then, Sanya was a good choice. Needless to Dongbenxizou find a quiet place to stay. Or the tablets mood Beach, is a romantic town, do not go to the attractions, do only the things they want. Pure relaxation and leisure must be the attitude of many people want to vacation.

Walk on the beach deck chair sun

Sanya, is where do not go every day to stay at the beach, will not lose. Swimming, walking, sun on the couch - comfortable. See the hammock to play it very good. If you like walking, is recommended along the beach of Yalong Bay, Yalong Bay Central Square walk to the Sheraton Hotel, back, through the Marriott Hotel, go along. Few people here share of quiet and Italian-ya, like walking in the home garden.

Centipede continents play in the water

The Wuzhizhou the water project is complete. Diving, shore diving and boat diving, former coach will give everyone professor of theoretical knowledge of the diving submersible. Not swim does not matter, diving time, are lifting coach through the device to control. The banana boat is three lines, needs to wear a swimsuit or wet, would you flung the sea, but the security, someone to save your back the feeling of "Titanic".

The Cabriolet pull wind car

Sanya is probably the most suitable city to open convertible, rent a car, a ride to Sanya, a famous coastal Avenue Coconut Dream Corridor to go. Along the Avenue, traveling from south to north, along the way to listen to the sound of waves lapping the shore, the fresh sea breeze, the venue for King to enjoy the sea view, is very comfortable. Avenue has been through to Sanya Bay, from start to finish takes about 30 minutes along the way and some seafood stalls, resorts, tired, you can get something to eat and enjoy.

